Space Unit: S.O.L.E. Research and STEM Centers
Kids love learning about space. In this blog post, I'll be sharing how my students engage in student led learning about space, STEM challenges and play based centers. I also include a FREE template for a torn paper planet project.

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For our space unit, the students completed a S.O.L.E research project on space using the Epic! books app. S.O.L.E. stands for Self Organized Learning Environment, the students chose what they want to learn about and research about. It is student centered and student driven. The students also completed space themed S.T.E.M centers.
Can 5 and 6 years old do research?
Yes! Especially with websites like Epic! that will read the information to them. This packet allows students to research and gives them the opportunity for choice. You may need to help with troubleshooting.
I printed out the journal and the students chose which planets or space theme item they wanted to research. This allows students to take charge of their own learning and research based on their interests.
Constellation Book and S.T.E.M. Centers
My students read and colored this printable constellation book. The students were challenged to build the different constellations using pipe cleaners and I used solar beads.
There are constellation STEM Challenge cards available.
Lego Space Themed STEM Challenges
The students had two space themed Lego STEM challenges to choose from. They can use a baseplate to try to build a planet on the baseplate or build 2D planets.

Space Themed Geoboards
One of my other provocation centers is a Space themed geoboard center. The students were challenged with these task cards that are included in my Space Unit.
I wanted to enhance my Geoboard center. I bought Geoboards from Hand2mind Inc. and added rainbow loom rubber bands from Amazon. I organized them by putting the rubber bands into the rainbow photo boxes. I took off the lid of the storage case that the photo boxes came in to fit the Geoboards. You can find all these items by clicking the affiliated link in my profile
Space Themed Play Dough Center
The students loved this Space themed STEM center! Note: after completing this center with my own students, I would recommend using bigger beads for easier clean up. The students are challenged to build each planet using play dough. You can find all of the pieces for the play dough center and all of the pieces for the Space theme centers on Amazon by clicking here. (Affiliate link)
7 Diverse Astronauts

This is a whole group lesson that provides students with "windows and mirrors" to see a diverse group of astronauts. It is so important that students see themselves in their dream jobs. There are 7 diverse astronauts included in this powerpoint presentation to teach your students about.
Dr. Mae Jemison
I created a Google Slides Lesson about Dr. Mae Jemison, the First Black woman astronaut going into space. Beyond her groundbreaking achievements at NASA, Jemison is a passionate advocate for science education and diversity in STEM fields.

Torn Paper Planet craft
This is an easy, low prep craft. You can download a free circle template by clicking on the photo below. Students will rip paper to make any planet or make up their own planet. Then, students will cut the planet and glue it on to the black paper. They can use white crayon to make stars.